The River Outtakes 01 Cadillac Ranch V2 less echo (3:37) (3:03) 02 Cadillac Ranch V3 take 47 (3:32) (3:05) 03 Cadillac Ranch V4 rundown 2 (3:22) (3:03) 04 Sherry Darlin (4:11) (4:06) 05 Cadillac Ranch V5 siren (3:05) (3:01) 06 Hungry Heart V7 echo (3:44) (3:31) 07 Fade away take 26 (5:06) (4:40) 08 Fade away take 27 (5:25) (4:46) 09 Fade away take 28 (1:57) (1:37) 10 Fade away end segment (1:33) (1:01) 11 Two Hearts (2:57) (2:43) 12 Ramrod (4:21) (4:07) 13 Ramrod different (0:32) (0:23) 14 Independence day take 10 (5:44) (5:18) 15 Ricky wants… (2:54) (2:48) 16 Take Em as they come (4:35) (4:28) 17 Held up (1:36) (1:14) 18 Be True (3:49) (3:44) 19 Crush on You (3:26) (3:19) Note: Track times first Actual music times second