Bruce SpringsteenChilde Harold - Washington DCDecember 6, 1973Broadcast on WGTB-FM RadioLineage: FM > Low Gen > Sony TC WE435 > MacBook Pro > Peak Pro XT (indexed) > xACT 1.59 > Flac01 Walking The Dog02 For You03 E Street Shuffle04 Kitty's Back There are some very poor versions of this in circulation and some very good versions.This comes from a low gen but unconfirmed tape I traded for in the early 1980's so maybe it's better than what some people have (or maybe not).Slight right channel volume decrease on source tape Track 1 between 3:07-3:10, 3:21-3:31 and 4:00-6:35. Track 3: 3:16-3:25.Enjoy!Mjk5510