Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band Civic Center Hartford, Connecticut September 7, 1984 (Recorder 3) Transfer: 1980's tape trade > Audacity > Peak Pro XT (volume smoothing / indexing / subtle tweak / patch) > xACT > FLAC The effort to get all available recorders in widespread circulation continues with Recorder 3 of the first night in Hartford on the first leg of the Born In The USA tour. Recorder 1: 'Private Collection' TDK D90's (missing Bobby Jean) Recorder 2: un-booted Ivannf transfer of G tape Recorder 3: un-booted mjk5510 tape transfer Ivan's original notes for Recorder 2 of this show mentioned the tapes from Jersygrl were missing 3 songs, my source is missing those same 3 songs so I assume those two sources are the same. This source is definitely a different recorder than the G tape and probably a lower generation than the JG tapes since the original notes stated both the G tapes and the JG tapes were similar quality. Recorder 1 which seems to have circulated first is missing "Bobby Jean" and the version I have suffers from some major clipping and distortion during the second set, I was able to pull 2 patches from that source in the first set. I've inserted those missing 3 songs from the recorder 2 source but I've used the version that was on this set of tapes simply because it matched a little closer with it already being dubbed in. Includes a rare BITUSA outing of 'Rave On' in honor of Buddy Holly's birthday. Thanks to Ivan for transferring and offering up the G tapes originally which I was able to pull a patch from, I'm amazed at all the shows Ivan put into circulation over the years. Download includes artwork for this release... Transferred with no breaks, suggested breaks for CD burning below but you may choose otherwise (just won't match the artwork). 101 Born In The U.S.A.਀㄀ ㈀ 伀甀琀 䤀渀 吀栀攀 匀琀爀攀攀琀 103 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out਀㄀ 㐀 䄀琀氀愀渀琀椀挀 䌀椀琀礀 105 Johnny 99਀㄀ 㘀 䠀椀最栀眀愀礀 倀愀琀爀漀氀洀愀渀 107 I'm Goin' Down਀㄀ 㠀 䐀愀爀氀椀渀最琀漀渀 䌀漀甀渀琀礀 109 Glory Days਀㄀㄀  吀栀攀 倀爀漀洀椀猀攀搀 䰀愀渀搀 111 My Hometown਀㄀㄀㈀ 吀爀愀瀀瀀攀搀 113 Badlands਀㈀ ㄀ 吀栀甀渀搀攀爀 刀漀愀搀 202 Hungry Heart਀㈀ ㌀ 䐀愀渀挀椀渀最 䤀渀 吀栀攀 䐀愀爀欀 204 Cadillac Ranch਀㈀ 㔀 匀栀攀爀爀礀 䐀愀爀氀椀渀最 206 Downbound Train (Recorder 1) 207 I'm On Fire (Recorder 1)਀㈀ 㠀 䌀漀瘀攀爀 䴀攀 ⠀刀攀挀漀爀搀攀爀 ㄀⤀ 209 Pink Cadillac਀㈀㄀  䈀漀戀戀礀 䨀攀愀渀 301 Racing In The Street਀㌀ ㈀ 刀漀猀愀氀椀琀愀 303 Rave On਀㌀ 㐀 䨀甀渀最氀攀氀愀渀搀 305 Born To Run 306 Detroit Medley 307 Twist And Shout + Do You Love Me Known Issus: -Darlington County: 14 seconds of intro patched with recorder 1 -Thunder Road: 2 seconds of intro patched with recorder 1 -Born To Run: slight drop in quality at end due to being split over 2 tape sides (no much missing) -Detroit Medley: last 53 seconds patched with recorder 2 Enjoy! mjk5510