Lyrics not available


SAX SONG is a Bruce Springsteen song that he recorded in studio in 1977. The song remains unreleased, and unfortunately, no audio recording or lyrics have surfaced.

According to Sony's logs of Bruce Springsteen's studio sessions, a song named "Sax Song" was recorded on 14 Oct 1977 at The Record Plant in New York City, NY. It's unknown if "Sax Song" is the title for a song on its own or a working or descriptive title for another. It could very well be none other than DOWN BY THE RIVER. That song, which has Clarence Clemons' saxophone all over, was given the title "Say Sons" by bootleggers, but it's very likely that the actual title on the studio tape is "Sax Song". See DOWN BY THE RIVER for more details.


Thanks Pete Russell for the research help.


If you have any additional information about this song, an audio recording, a scan of a Springsteen sheet that shows this title, or a lyrics sheet, please contact me via the below form or by email: .

Available Versions

List of available versions of SAX SONG on this website:


Page last updated: 29 Dec 2020