Title: The Definative Remastered Darkness Outtakes Label: Godfather Catalog #: GR 37/38 Format: 2 Cd Source: Studio Demos - Outtakes Bruce Base: N/A Story Teller: N/A Total Time: 2 hours 32 minutes 50 seconds Date: June 1977 - April 1978 Location: Atlantic Studios / The Record Plant, New York City, New York Transfer/Trade and Generation Info: Original Silvers -> Eac (Secure) -> Flac Disc 1: (74:06) 101 Rendezvous (2:46) 102 Break Out (2:20) 103 Don't Say No (3:46) 104 Say Sons (2:18) 105 Factory (2:11) 106 Eanglish Sons (3:52) 107 Hearts Of Stone (5:36) 108 The Iceman (3:11) 109 City At Night (3:05) 110 I Wanna Be With You (3:03) 111 Outside Lookin' In (2:24) 112 I'm Going Back (5:31) 113 Candy's Boy (5:16) 114 Frankie (4:42) 115 Janey Needs A Shooter (6:41) 116 Badlands #1 (3:51) 117 Candy's Room (3:01) 118 Talk To Me (4:02) 119 Don't Look Back #1 (3:27) 120 Don't Look Back #2 (3:03) Disc 2: (78:44) 201 Because The Night (3:23) 202 The Promise (5:28) 203 The Way (4:01) 204 Spanish Eyes (6:21) 205 Sherry Darling (5:03) 206 Racing In The Street (6:24) 207 The Fast Song (3:03) 208 Fire (5:17) 209 Get That Feeling (3:11) 210 Something In The Night (5:04) 211 Darkness On The Edge Of Town (4:28) 212 Streets Of Fire (3:51) 213 Drive All Night (8:32) 214 Badlands #2 (4:16) 215 The Preacher's Daughter (5:22) 216 Crazy Rocker (5:00) Notes: bosstrade@gmail.com