Bruce Springsteen Title: Fire On The Fingetips (First repress) Label: Matrix Catalog #: HR133 Source: Vinyl Format 1 CDR Total Time: 24 minutes 54 seconds Date: N/A Location: Various Location Lineage: Vinyl -> Transfert with Cable -> Nero Wav Editor -> wav 16/44 -> Nero Wav Editor -> Clicks Remove -> Wav -> THL -> Flac (level 6) Align on Sector Boundaries include: md5 (wav/flac), ffp, Frequency-Spectral Analysis, Artwork, Info file and Par2 Recovery file to 10%. Setlist: 01 Guns Of Kid Cole 02 Mama Knows Rithmatic, Knows How To Take A Fall 03 Get Your Wheels And Roll 04 Kid Called Zero 05 Angel From The Inner Lake/Heart Of A Ballerina NOTE: From Historical item. Release a large number of times. Let's try to sum them up: Original: Matrix UK4 - Red vinyl or rare blue vinyl (some were black vinyl with no matrix) - laminated cover (some with inserts), and red blank label. Cover has red border, differently from most repressing. There are also voices splitting the UK-4 version in two: the heavy vinyl very first press, and the 'standard' press. Here it is really hard to distinguish the reality from the legend…..IMHO, UK4 are originals, and stop. First repress: Matrix HR113, Black and colour vinyl identical cover (but black border) or wrap around cover, white blank label Late '80 repress Matrix ROUGE A/B, on black vinyl. Same cover, but laminated, a little darker, and PROMOTIONAL COPY - NOT FOR SALE stamped on bottom left. Picture from the era: 2 versions: one is lighter colour (quite pink!) Same picture as cover. TAKRL version 1: Matrix FIRE4: different white TAKRL cover, custom yellow 'Good times' labels with fake artist but standard 'wrong' titles (some are blank) and black vinyl. Sometimes it comes with a wrap insert reproducing the 'standard' cover and the TAKRL cover is under there. TAKRL version 2 : Matrix FIRE 4: white carton cover with insert. Rear is same design as version TAKRL 1, from is different. Don't know about labels. 'pink' version: matrix scratched out and pink insert, blank label and black vinyl (the scratched matrix is UK4 so they may be direct copies of the first version) Multicolor version: recently discovered, same cover as original but with sticker proclaiming multicolour vinyl, custom labels, limited to 500 copies according to sticker. Probably a recent pressing. Thanks to my friend Vecchio V. for this vinyl Hope you Enjoy! hrubesh