Bruce Springsteen The Spectrum Philadelphia, PA October 25, 1976 (Recorder 3) Transfer: 1980's tape trade > Nakamichi DR-01 > Sound Devices USB Pre2 > Audacity 2.31 > Peak Pro 6 (pre-production) > iZotope RX / ozone 5 (mastered) > Peak Pro 6 (Post Production) > xACT 2.39 > FLAC 01 Something In The Night 02 Backstreets 03 Growin' Up 04 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out 05 Jungleland 06 Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) 07 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) 08 A Fine Fine Girl 09 Raise Your Hand 10 The Promise 11 Born To Run Known Faults: -Incomplete: missing first 6 songs Recorder 1: Fanatic Records Original Master Series CDR Recorder 2: DS Archives Volume 14 Recorder 3: Incomplete tape transfer (this share) Anyone that has followed my uploads is likely aware of my nerdy passion for documenting multiple recording sources. For archival purposes, the goal is to document all known sources, quality be damned. This nerdy passion and a touch of OCD when it comes to comparing tapes led to this one making it's way to your hard drive. I've had this tape in my own archives for over 30 years, it was on one 90 minute TDK simply labeled "Philly 10-25-76", knowing the complete show circulates I had thought (hoped) maybe it was a unique source since it was incomplete. Upon first review, it sounded identical to circulating Recorder 1 but after coming across alternate sources for Frankfurt '81 and Dallas '75 that sound almost identical but are unique sources recorded in the same location as another source with both unique and shared audience noises, my tape comparison OCD kicked in and I took a deeper look (listen). It bugged me why it would be missing the first 6 songs and sure enough it proved to be a third recording source that was recorded in the same section and within a row or two of Recorder 1. The first difference comes during the dialogue leading into "Something In The Night", right after what sounds like Bruce saying "...I gotta learn to dance like that" you hear someone close to this torrent's taper say "he did it last year at the Palace", this is completely absent on Recorder 1. A few seconds later you hear an audience member close to this taper yell "alright Bruce", on Recorder 1 you hear the same thing but it is clearly a row or two away from the taper. A further review finds many additional instances such as this with shared audience noises closer to one taper than the other and audience chatter next to one taper but absent from the other. Recorded close to the stage, unless the taper comes forward, we'll never know why this one is missing 6 songs but what is here is excellent. For me personally, I feel it is important to document the taping history for every show and this show is a perfect example to never assume one is like the other, even if on the first pass they sound the same...don't throw those tapes away, I'd be more than happy to due the necessary legwork! Samples and artwork included... mjk5510