UK 7" Discography: Hungry Heart

Mainly to discuss Bruce Springsteen collectables: official vinyl, CD, tape... and maybe some physical bootlegs too.
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UK 7" Discography: Hungry Heart

Post by eddy_wehbe »

As far as I know, there are at least 10 versions (2 promo and 8 commercial) of the UK vinyl pressing of "Hungry Heart / Held Up Without A Gun".
Hungry Heart UK.jpg
Hungry Heart UK.jpg (9.49 MiB) Viewed 756 times
(save the image or open it in a new tab to zoom in)

Promo version 1:
- Cat# S CBS 9309
- Comes in picture sleeve with Blue text
- White labels
my copy | Discogs

Promo version 2:
- Cat# S CBS 9309
- Comes in picture sleeve with Black text
- White labels
(same labels as promo version 1)
my copy

Version 1:
- Cat# S CBS 9309
- Comes in picture sleeve with Blue text
- Sunburst labels
- "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the beginning of outer ring text on labels
(same sleeve as promo version 1)
my copy | Discogs

Version 2:
- Cat# S CBS 9309
- Comes in picture sleeve with Black text
- Sunburst labels
- "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the beginning of outer ring text on labels
(same sleeve as promo version 2)
(same labels as version 1)
my copy | Discogs

Version 3:
- Cat# S CBS 9309
- Comes in a company sleeve
- Sunburst labels
- "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the end of outer ring text on labels
gigius70's copy

Version 4:
- Cat# S CBS 9309
- Comes in picture sleeve with Black text
- Brown injection labels
(same sleeve as promo version 2)
my copy | Discogs

Version 5:
- Cat# CBS 9309
- Comes in a company sleeve
- Sunburst labels
- "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the end of outer ring text on labels
- "A SIDE" above track title on side A label
Discogs | gigius70's copy

Version 6:
- Cat# CBS 9309
- Comes in a company sleeve
- Sunburst labels
- "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the end of outer ring text on labels
- "B SIDE" above track title on side B label

Version 7:
- Cat# CBS 9309
- Comes in a company sleeve
- Sunburst labels
- "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the end of outer ring text on labels
(same A side label as version 6)
(same B side label as version 5)
my copy | Discogs

Version 8:
- Cat# CBS 9309
- Comes in a company sleeve
- Red labels
- "MADE IN ENGLAND" at the end of outer ring text on labels
my copy | Discogs

Enlarged center holes:
Hungry Heart UK - enlarged holes.jpg
Hungry Heart UK - enlarged holes.jpg (3.18 MiB) Viewed 756 times
(save the image or open it in a new tab to zoom in)

Version 1b/2b:
- Same labels as versions 1 and 2, with enlarged center hole
- Comes in a company sleeve

Version 4b:
- Same labels as version 4, with enlarged center hole
- Comes in a company sleeve
gigius70's copy

Version 7b:
- Same labels as version 7, with enlarged center hole
- Comes in a company sleeve

Version 8b:
- Same labels as version 8, with enlarged center hole
- Comes in a company sleeve
my copy

- Please let me know if you have any corrections or additions.
- I tried my best to arrange the versions in chronological order.
- There's likely a version with side A similar to version 5 and side B similar to version 6.
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Re: UK 7" Discography: Hungry Heart

Post by gigius70 »

Hello Eddy, finally found some time to contribute.

Some scans from my collection:

Version 3:
Version3_C.jpg (4.08 MiB) Viewed 766 times
Version3_A.jpg (1.27 MiB) Viewed 766 times
Version3_B.jpg (1.25 MiB) Viewed 766 times

Version 5:
Version5_C.jpg (3.86 MiB) Viewed 766 times
Version5_A.jpg (1.17 MiB) Viewed 766 times
Version5_B.jpg (1.07 MiB) Viewed 766 times

Version 4b:
Version4b_C.jpg (4 MiB) Viewed 766 times
Version4b_A.jpg (942.64 KiB) Viewed 766 times
Version4b_B.jpg (845.72 KiB) Viewed 766 times
On Discogs there's version 5 inverted so you have to add this one: ... se/7608657
And probably it could exist also a version like this:
Side A = version 5 (BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN on one line)
Side B = discogs (BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN on one line)

That'all! Cheers

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Re: UK 7" Discography: Hungry Heart

Post by eddy_wehbe »

Thanks you very much for the very helpful post. Original post updated.

Now search begins for the version with side A similar to version 5 and side B similar to version 6.
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